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What Is Technical Debt and How Do You Manage It

What Is Technical Debt And How You Can Plan Technical Debt is easy to forget because it is intangible until you have to pay for it. How so? When you make what seem like minor decisions such as passing on the website update, ignoring proper planning, or forgetting forward-thinking in technology, you are introducing Technical Debt. What is Technical Debt? Technical Debt is a term coined by Ward Cunningham, an author of the Agile Manifesto. They are many different “exact”…

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Trello – Make Your Kanban Board Today

How to Make A Kanban Board in Five Minutes Trello is a great project management tool, and better still, it’s free! Trello is the perfect tool to get a Kanban board up and running in five minutes or less, even if you have never used it. This is how you can Make a Kanban Board, but let’s get the basics out of the way first. What is Kanban? Kanban was pioneered in the ’60s by none other than Toyota. Now,…

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